My review of Red Carpet by Dayo Benson

About the book:

Lexi Dixon has gone from wallowing over the raw deal that she believed was her lot in life to living her red carpet dreams. She’s opening fashion shows for top designers at fashion week, doing photo shoots at exotic locations, and enduring three hours of makeup for ten-minute public appearances. She’s the talk of Tinsel town—for both good and bad reasons. But her life is not all glitz and glamour.

Between all the lies in the papers, the crazy Paparazzi that keep following her, and her own personal issues, Lexi is sure she’s going to lose it, and it’s not going to be pretty when she does!

A shocking revelation about her father, a rival model who seems bent on sabotaging Lexi’s career, and a bizarre experience with a secret society cause Lexi to slow down to a pace where maybe she can look inward, and perhaps even upward!

My review:

Once again I was blown away by the raw honesty in this book. The crazy thing is I listened to the entire thing (mostly while driving) and never actually read a word. But the story is so well done that I felt like I was reading it. The characters have become my friends. I hated for the story to end. The spiritual parts of the book were realistic. The conflict felt genuine and not forced. Lexi’s life is a complicated mess, and at the same time, intriguing.

Lexi is a great example of someone who seems to have everything except the one thing they desire most… true love that lasts. I can’t wait to read more to find out what happens next. I’m hooked on these characters and something tells me I may shed a few tears when this series ends. Love this author and absolutely adore this series. Now I’m off to buy the final book in the series.

Red Carpet was published by the author using Amazon Digital Services and release in Oct. 2011

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